1,000KM OGO Sense Software Engineer Scholarship

OGO sense would like to award a 1,000KM OGO Sense Software Engineer Scholarship to a current university student with an affinity for web and mobile app programming. To improve your chances of being selected:
  • Explain your relevant knowledge or experience.
  • Be an outstanding student.
  • Showcase your community contribution.
  • Apply before the deadline: Wednesday Mar 30, 2016.
Apply Now

Scholarship Goals:

  • Encourage talented students.
  • Provide financial assistance.
  • Develop next generation of experts.
  • Promote web & mobile app development.


  • Current university student.
  • Located in Banja Luka area.
  • Enrolled in related field of study.
  • Deadline: Wed Mar 30, 2016.

Selection Process:

  • Apply online within 5 min.
  • Complete a phone interview.
  • Attend a live interview.
  • Receive the award.
Apply for 1,000KM OGO Sense Software Engineer Scholarship Apply Now


Can I apply for other scholarships as well? Of course.
What is my future commitment to OGO Sense if I am awarded the 1,000KM scholarship? None.
Where are live interviews conducted? OGO Sense, Mihajla Pupina 12, 78000 Banja Luka
May current OGO Sense employees receive a scholarship? No.
Where may I receive more info? Please fill out the contact form.

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About OGO Sense

OGO Sense is a digital marketing agency focused on creative and results-driven solutions for companies ranging from start-ups to large international companies. See our clients and results.

European office is located at:

Mihajla Pupina 12, 78000 Banja Luka
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Thank you for your interest in OGO Sense scholarship.